GCT 753

> Lua (GitHub, Reference)
> JavaScript (GitHub)

Artificial Life
Generative Art
Cellular Systems
Agent Systems (vectors)
Symbol Systems
Evolutionary Systems


We will be using the Lua language (and the LuaJIT implementation) for lecture and lab sessions. Lua is very easy to learn, fast, flexible and powerful. It also scales well with abstraction, which is exactly what we will need as the course progresses. By itself, Lua is lightweight, with very few built-in libraries, and certainly no graphical or audio capabilities. For these purposes I am providing runtime implementation binaries that add audiovisual capabilities.


The code and pre-compiled binaries are in the github repository at the links below. From time to time this repo will be updated with more examples and features, so please make sure to grab these changes. You can grab the zip directly or clone (or fork) the git repo and pull the changes:


While running, the Esc key will toggle full-screen mode, and the Space key will toggle the update function on and off.

Also while the script is running it will monitor the .lua file for changes, and reload the script automatically if this file is updated on disk. To edit .lua files, any text editor will do. Freely available editors with Lua syntax highlighting include:


Most of the available functions and modules (both from Lua and AV) are documented in the reference pages.

Lua 5.1 quick tutorial

Commonly compared to: JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Scheme. Notable characteristics:


-- Two dashes create a comment that ends at the line break
print("hello world")
-- Note: no need for semicolons to terminate statements.

Simple types

-- Unlike C, the type information is stored with the value, not the variable; 
-- this means that the type of a variable can change dynamically.
x = 1             -- x now refers to a number
x = "foo"         -- x now refers to a string

-- check types like this:
if type(x) == "number" then 
    -- do stuff

-- these lines are all equivalent
-- they assign the number value 1 to the variable name x:
x = 1
x = 1.0
x = 100e-2  -- e base10 format
x = 0x1 --hexadecimal format
-- Note: all numbers in Lua are 64-bit doubles

-- strings:
print("a simple string")
print('a simple string')

-- embedding special characters and multi-line strings:
x = 'escape the \' character, and write \n a new line'
x = [[
The double square brackets are a simple way to write strings
that span
over several

-- Boolean values:
t = true
f = false
if t then print("t!") end -- prints t!
if f then print("f!") end -- prints nothing

-- nil indicates the absence of value. 
-- Assigning nil to a variable marks the variable for garbage collection.
n = nil
-- nil also evaluates to false for a predicate:
if n then print("n!") end -- prints nothing

Structured data

Lua provides only one data structure: the table. Tables in Lua are associative arrays, mapping keys to values. Both keys and values can be any valid Lua type except nil. However, the implementation makes sure that when used with continuous number keys, the table performs as a fast array.

-- creating an array-like table of strings, the quick way:
t = { "one", "two", "three" }

-- creating a dictionary-like table, the quick way:
t = { one = 1, two = 2, three = 3 }

-- creating a table with both array-like and dictionary-like parts:
t = { "one", "two", "three", one = 1, two = 2, three = 3 }

-- create an empty table:
t = {}

-- add or replace key-value pairs in the table:
t[1] = "one"    -- array-like
t["two"] = 2    -- dictionary-like
-- a simpler way of saying that:
t.two = 2

print(t.two, t["two"])     --> 2 2

-- remove a key-value pair by assigning the value nil:
t.two = nil
print(t.two)            --> <nil>

-- create a table with a sub-table:
t = {
    numbers = { 1, 2, 3 },
    letters = { "a", "b", "c" },

-- any Lua type (except nil) can be used as key or value
-- (including functions, other tables, the table itself, ...)
t[x] = t

It’s important to remember that a Lua table has two parts; an array-portion and a hash-table portion. The array portion is indexed with integer keys, starting from 1 upwards. All other keys are stored in the hash (or record) portion.

The array portion gives Lua tables the capability to act as ordered lists, and can grow/shrink as needed (similar to C++ vectors). Sometimes the array portion is called the list portion, because it is useful for creating lists similarly to LISP. In particular, the table constructor will insert numeric keys in order for any values that are not explicitly keyed:

-- these two lines are equivalent
local mylist = { [1]="foo", [2]="bar", [3]="baz" }:
local mylist = { "foo", "bar", "baz" }

print(mylist[2])             --> bar

print(unpack(mylist))         --> foo bar baz

Remember that Lua expects most tables to count from 1, not from 0.

Iterating a table

To visit all key-value pairs of a table, use a for loop like the following. Note that the order of traversal is undefined; it may be different each time.

for key, value in pairs(mytable) do
    -- do things with the key and value

To visit only array-portion of a table, use one of these forms:

for i = 1, #mytable do
    local value = t[i]
    -- do things with the key and value

for key, value in ipairs(mytable) do
    -- do things with the key and value


Unlike C, functions are first-class values, just like numbers, strings and tables. That means that functions can take functions as arguments, functions can return other functions as return values, functions can be keys and values in tables. It also means that functions can be created and garbage collected dynamically.

Functions can be declared in several ways:

-- these are equivalent:
sayhello = function(message)
  print("hello", message)

function sayhello(message)
  print("hello", message)

-- using the function:
sayhello("me")  -- prints: hello me
sayhello("you") -- prints: hello you

-- replacing the function
sayhello = function(message)
  print("hi", message)

sayhello("me")  -- prints: hi me

Functions can zero or more arguments. In Lua, they can also have more than one return vaue:

function minmax(a, b)
  return math.min(a, b), math.max(a, b)
print(minmax(42, 13)) -- prints: 13 42

Logic and control flow

-- if blocks:
if x == 1 then
  -- as many elseifs as desired can be chained
elseif x == 2 then
elseif x == 3 then

-- while loops:
x = 10
while x > 0 do
  x = x - 1

  x = x + 1
until x == 10

-- numeric for loop:
-- count from 1 to 10
for i = 1, 10 do 
-- count 1, 3, 5, 7, 9:
for i = 1, 10, 2 do 
-- count down from 10 to 1:
for i = 10, 1, -1 do 

-- logical operators:
if x == y then print("equal") end
if x ~= y then print("not equal") end
if x > 0 and x < 1 then print("between 0 and 1") end

Lexical scoping

If a variable is declared local, it exists for any code that follows it, until the end of that block. If a variable is not declared local, it becomes a global variable, belonging to the entire script. Use local variables as much as possible, as they are faster, and reduce bugs.

function foo(x)
  -- a function body is a new block
  local y = "mylocal"
  if x == y then
    -- this is a sub-block of the function
    -- y is still visible here
    print(y)  -- prints: mylocal
-- y is not visible here:
print(y)    -- prints: nil

Assigning to a variable that has not been declared locally within the current block will search for that name in parent blocks, recursively, up to the top-level. If the name is found, the assignment is made to that variable. If the name is not found, the assignment becomes a global (either creating a new variable, or replacing an existing global).

-- an outer variable:
local x = "outside"
print(x) -- prints: outside

-- sub-block uses a local, which does not affect the outer variable:
function safe()
  local x = "inside"
print(x) -- prints: outside

-- sub-block does not use a local, and overwrites the outer variable:
function unsafe()
  x = "inside"
print(x) -- prints: inside

Method syntax

Objects in Lua that have functions as members can invoke these functions using a special colon syntax:

-- create an object:
myobject = { value = 10 }

-- add a function:
myobject.printvalue = function(self)

-- test it:
myobject.printvalue(myobject)    --> 10

-- use the colon syntax instead passes the 'self' argument implicitly:
function myobject:printvalue()

myobject:printvalue()            --> 10


Closures arise from the mixed use of lexically scoped local variables, and higher order functions. Any function that makes use of non-local variables effectively keeps those variable references alive within it. An example explains this better:

function make_counter()
  local count = 0
  return function()
    count = count + 1

-- call to make_counter() returns a function;
-- and 'captures' the local count as an 'upvalue' specific to it
local c1 = make_counter()
c1()  -- prints: 1
c1()  -- prints: 2
c1()  -- prints: 3

-- another call to make_counter() creates a new function,
-- with a new count upvalue
local c2 = make_counter()
c2()  -- prints: 1
c2()  -- prints: 2

-- the two function's upvalues are independent of each other:
c1()  -- prints: 4

Tutorial: Drawing with fields

See Lua 5.1 quick tutorial for a quick introduction to the Lua language itself.

Most scripts start with a bunch of require statements, which pull in needed functionality from external library modules. For example:

local field2D = require "field2D"

This code loads the field2D module (from /modules/field2D.lua), which gives us a bunch of utilities for working with 2D dense arrays. These could be useful for making cellular automata, for example. Modules usually return a table of functions. For example, the field2D module contains a function called new, which we can use to create a new field object:

-- allocate a field with default size:
local field = field2D.new()

-- allocate a field that is 64 cells wide and 48 cells high:
local field = field2D.new(64, 48)

Objects usually have internal state, and methods to read and modify that state or perform other behaviors. For example, we can set data in the field using the :set method:

-- set all cells to the value 0.2:

-- set the cell at position (10,10) to the value 0.5:
field:set(0.5, 10, 10)

The av application looks at the script for specially named functions in order to know how to render the screen or handle mouse and keyboard input. For example, all graphical drawing should be put inside the global draw function. We can use another method of the field2D type object here:

-- the global function for rendering
function draw()
    -- use the :draw method of field2D to render the data stored in field:

There are other functions like this; the update function is called frequently to update the state of the program (e.g. for animations); the mouse function is called whenever the mouse moves and clicks; and the keydown and keyup functions are called when keys are pressed. There are also some built-in key bindings: the Esc key will toggle full-screen, and the spacebar key will toggle updating on and off.

We can use the mouse function for example to draw into the field, whenever the mouse is down or dragging. The mouse function passes the kind of event, the button pressed, and the X and Y position of the mouse; but we will need to scale that position to the size of the field:

-- called whenever there is mouse activity:
function mouse(event, button, x, y)
    if event == "down" or event == "drag" then
        -- convert the mouse position from 0..1 range to the size of the field:
        local fieldx = x * field.width
        local fieldy = y * field.height
        -- write a random number into the field at this point:
        field:set(math.random(), fieldx, fieldy)

-- called whenver a key is pressed:
function keydown(key)
    -- if the key pressed was "c"
    if key == "c" then
        -- set all cells of the field to zero:

If we wanted to add a continual behavior to the field, we could use the update global function. For example, this function copies the value from one randomly chosen cell to another randomly chosen cell:

-- called continually in the background:
-- (the argument is the time in seconds between updates)
function update(dt)
    -- pick a cell at random:
    local x = math.random(field.width)
    local y = math.random(field.height)
    -- get the value at this cell:
    local value = field:get(x, y)
    -- pick another cell at random:
    local x = math.random(field.width)
    local y = math.random(field.height)
    -- set this cell to the value of the first:
    field:set(value, x, y)

Another useful feature of field2D:set is that it can take a function as its argument, instead of a value. It calls this function to derive a new value for each cell in the field. The function receives as arguments the x and y position of the cell, so for example, this code initializes the field with a horizontal gradient:

field:set(function(x, y)
    return x / field.width

We've learned almost enough now to implement Conway's Game of Life.

-- load in the "field2D" library module (from /modules/field2D.lua):
local field2D = require "field2D"

-- choose the size of the field
local dimx = 128
local dimy = dimx * 3/4 -- (with a 4:3 aspect ratio)

-- allocate the field
local field = field2D.new(dimx, dimy)

-- create a second field, to store the previous states of the cells:
local field_old = field2D.new(dimx, dimy)

-- create a function to return either 0 or 1
-- with a 50% chance of either (like flipping a coin)
function coin() 
    if math.random() < 0.5 then 
        return 0
        return 1

-- use this to initialize the field with random values:
-- (applies 'coin' to each cell of the field)

-- how to render the scene (toggle fullscreen with the Esc key):
function draw()    
    -- draw the field:

-- the rule for an individual cell (at position x, y) in the field:
function game_of_life(x, y)

    -- check out the neighbors' previous states:
    local N  = field_old:get(x  , y+1)
    local NE = field_old:get(x+1, y+1)
    local E  = field_old:get(x+1, y  )
    local SE = field_old:get(x+1, y-1)
    local S  = field_old:get(x  , y-1)
    local SW = field_old:get(x-1, y-1)
    local W  = field_old:get(x-1, y  )
    local NW = field_old:get(x-1, y+1)
    local near = N + E + S + W + NE + NW + SE + SW

    -- check my own previous state:
    local C = field_old:get(x, y)

    -- apply the rule:
    if C == 1 then
        -- live cell
        if near < 2 then
            -- loneliness
            C = 0
        elseif near > 3 then
            -- overcrowding
            C = 0
        -- dead cell
        if near == 3 then
            -- reproduction
            C = 1

    -- return the new state:
    return C

-- update the state of the scene (toggle this on and off with spacebar):
function update(dt)
    -- swap field and field_old:
    -- (field now becomes old, and the new field is ready to be written)
    field, field_old = field_old, field

    -- apply the game_of_life function to each cell of the field: 

-- handle keypress events:
function keydown(k)
    if k == "c" then
        -- set all cells to zero:
    elseif k == "r" then
        -- apply the coin rule to all cells of the field (randomizes)

-- handle mouse events:
function mouse(event, btn, x, y)
    -- clicking & dragging should draw values into the field:
    if event == "down" or event == "drag" then

        -- scale window coords (0..1) up to the size of the field:
        local x = x * field.width
        local y = y * field.height

        -- spread the updates over a wide area:
        for i = 1, 10 do
            -- pick a random cell near to the mouse position:
            local span = 3
            local fx = x + math.random(span) - math.random(span)
            local fy = y + math.random(span) - math.random(span)

            -- set this cell to either 0 or 1:
            field:set(coin(), fx, fy)

Going deeper

We will address more complex topics of metatables, coroutines, the C API, the LuaJIT FFI and so on as we need them.


Reference manual; bookmark the contents.

Excellent text-book: Programming in Lua (second edition) PIL